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Activity: Listen and Test

A volte per pronunciare bene una parola ci sembra di dover fare strane smorfie!

Molti studenti hanno problemi con la pronuncia di CE (c'è), CI, CHE, CHI.


Puoi pronunciare correttamente CECE, CInema, amiCHE e CHIavi?


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Sometimes in order to pronounce a word correctly it seems like we have to do strange grimaces!

Many students have problems with the pronunciation of CE (c'è), CI, CHE, CHI.


Can you pronounce correctly CECE (chickpea), CInema, amiCHE (girl friends) and CHIavi (keys)?


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smorfia from 123rf by Francesco Carniani

Sometimes in order to pronounce a word correctly
it seems like we have to do strange grimaces!


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Can you pronounce CECE? (CE, CI, CHE, CHI sounds)

Di seguito ci sono alcune parole con CE, CI, CHE, CHI:

  1. Clicca su ogni parola italiana per ascoltare la pronuncia. Ascolta e ripeti le parole.
  2. Stampa la seconda tabella e completa ogni parola con il suono mancante.

Following are a few words with CE, CI, CHE, CHI:

  1. Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation. Listen and repeat the words.
  2. Print the second table and complete each word with the missing sound.


Every time you listen to an audio file, listen to it as many times as possible. While listening to the audio, read and repeat the text in Italian as a listening and pronunciation exercise. Repeat the exercise MANY times!


C'È - CI  
c'è there is
cece chickpea
cento one hundred
certo! sure, of course!
cervello brain
amici friends, boy friends
bacio kiss
cinema cinema
dieci ten
mici kittens
amiche girl friends
barche boats
che that, what, which
chela claw, pincer
chi who
chiamare to call
chiavi keys
chiesa church
macchina car
scacchi chess



Print this page and - without checking the above list - complete the words with CE, CI, CHE or CHI.


  • ____
  • mac____na
  • mi____
  • ami____
  • bar____
  • scac____
  • ____
  • die____
  • ____la
  • ____avi
  • ____amare
  • ____
  • ba____
  • ____nema
  • ____rto!
  • ba____o
  • ami____
  • ____esa
  • ____rvello
  • ____nto


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