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USA - Italy penpal exchange program

  • OPTIONAL ACTIVITY, SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY: PenPal email exchange between US high-school student/s and Italian high-school student/s of a Liceo Classico o Scientifico in Italy: 8 emails.
  • Please note: when we mention "corrections" it means that students should correct each-other or just give suggestions to improve the language. Overall, corrections/suggestions are a nice touch and a big help for each other.




US side

Italian side

Email exchange content


US student starts the course and starts to get familiar with all the lessons and activities required

Italian high school starts looking for an available student or group of students to exchange emails with the US student


Italian high school notifies name and email of Italian student/s wishing to participate in the email exchange and teacher supervisor




  • US STUDENT: Following given guidelines, US student sends email to the Italian high-school-student (PenPal) and writes IN ITALIAN a presentation of him/her self (name, town where she lives, description of town, favourite and worst places in town) asking for information and presentation from the Italian student.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
6 Teachers on both sides can ALWAYS overlook and comment on the email exchanged and on the corrections students give to each other.  
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the same topics. Italian students introduce themselves and the town where they live.
  • IMPORTANT: during the entire penpal exchange program, Italian student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com

US student always writes in Italian.


He/she can contact prof@cyberitalian.com for any doubt or question.


  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian student email, corrects the message sent in English and describes her daily life, family, home, routines, how she dresses to go to school or to go out with friends, which religion (if any) she follows, and asks for information about the other student's daily life, etc.
  • SUGGESTION: use short and simple sentences.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com

Italian student always writes in English.


He/she can contact prof@cyberitalian.com for any doubt or question.

  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the same topics.
    PenPals make comparisons between Italian and US daily life, fashion and religion.
  • SUGGESTION: use short and simple sentences.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com

Teachers on both sides can ALWAYS overlook and comment on the email exchanged and on the corrections students give to each other.


  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian high-school-student email, corrects the message sent in English and describes her hobbies and passions, favourite books, movies and songs, gives a reason for those passions and asks for information about the other student's hobbies and passions, favourite books, movies and songs and why they are the favorites. Does student read newspapers?
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the same topics.
    PenPals make comparisons between Italy and the US (young people read newspapers? Watch TV? What do they do when they don't study? What do they do when they go out with friends?)
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com



  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian high-school-student email, corrects the message sent in English and discusses the reasons for loving her country and for wishing (if she does) to go and live abroad (permanently or for a period.)
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the same topics.
    PenPals make comparisons between Italian and US trends on going abroad or staying in own country.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com










  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian high-school-student email, corrects the message sent in English and discusses statistics about Italy from Session 1 assignment, comparing with statistics in her country. (She will provide some numbers and info to the Italian student.)
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the related topic (Italian student can make an Internet search if needed.)
    PenPals make comparisons between Italian and US statistics.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com



  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian high-school-student email, corrects the message sent in English and reports what she is studying, how her school is structured (is it practical, theoretical, do they have labs? etc.) and projects for her future work. Is it easy to find a job for young people in the US? What are the most common or favorite jobs?
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the same topics.
    PenPals make comparisons between Italian and US schools and work situation.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com







  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian high-school-student email, corrects the message sent in English and report the situation of scientific research in the US. There are many funds and universities that promote research but is it becoming dangerous with new experiments on genetics? Can science be dangerous?
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH on the same topics.
    PenPals make comparisons between the current Italian and US situation regarding scientific research and trends.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com



  • US STUDENT: replies to the Italian high-school-student email, corrects the message sent in English and creates and explains her self-portrait (it can be a song, a poem, an abstract drawing, anything that represents her in this moment - please AVOID PERSONAL PICTURES).
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com
  • ITALIAN STUDENT/S reply: they correct the message sent in Italian and reply IN ENGLISH with their self-portrait (please avoid personal pictures). PenPals compare self-portraits and give explanations for them.
  • IMPORTANT: During the entire penpal exchange program, student/s have to cc any email to prof@cyberitalian.com







US Student/s send an email to prof with a feedback on their experience about the exchanges with the Italian student.

Italian Student/s send an email to prof with a feedback on their experience about the exchanges with the US student.