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Access to Session 1 from the Critical Thinking Program


Abbiamo preparato per voi una pagina web:


in cui inserire il vostro email e ricevere accesso gratuito alla sessione 1
del Programma di Sviluppo del Pensiero Critico (la sessione che vedremo adesso insieme).
Vi incoraggio a condividere questa sessione in classe con i vostri studenti,
a discutere, rispondere alle domande e dare ai ragazzi il tempo di completare il compito :-)

We have prepared for you a web-page:


where you can enter your email and receive free access to session 1
of the Critical Thinking Program (the session we'll watch together right now).
I encourage you to share this session in class with your students,
discuss it, reply to questions and give them time to complete the assignment :-)


Session 1 - Meaning and use of portraits during the Renaissance. Selection of portraits by different artists. Your presentation. How to start the creative process.


By the way: The Renaissance Portrait from Donatello to Bellini
is currently on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
(I absolutely recommend it!)

