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Reflections on the AP® Italian Language and Culture Course

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CyberItalian student


The AP Italian Language and Culture Exam assesses students’ proficiencies in the

Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational modes of communication.


The AP exam is approximately 3 hours long and includes both

an 80-minute multiple-choice section and an 85-minute free-response section.

The multiple-choice section accounts for half of the student’s exam grade and the free-response section for the other half.


Section I, the multiple-choice section, primarily assesses Interpretive Communication

by asking students to identify main ideas, significant details, purpose, and intended audience

of a variety of texts and to make inferences and predictions based on them.


Section I, Part A, consists of a variety of audio materials.
Section I, Part B, consists of a variety of print materials.


Section II, the free-response section, assesses Interpersonal and Presentational Communication

by requiring students to produce written and spoken responses.


In the CyberItalian exam we will only model Section 1 (Interpretive Communication) of the AP exam, as the Interpersonal and Presentational modes are assessed during the entire CyberItalian course via assignments, audio recordings, email exchanges and participation in the AV group classes.


The use of dictionaries, or any other reference materials, is not permitted during the CyberItalian exam nor during the AP exam.



