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Reflections on the AP® Italian Language and Culture Course

Penpal email exchange overview



Il giorno 20 settembre 2016 12:35 PM, ISABEL ha scritto a ROBERTA:


Ciao ROBERTA! Mi chiamo ISABEL, ho sedici anni, e sono di Turchia e di Kazakhstan. Adesso, abito in un paese che si chiama Azerbaijan. Sto studiando in una scuola Americana. Nel mio tempo libero, mi piace suonare il pianoforte, leggere, e andare in giro per la città con i miei amici. Di dove sei? Cosa ti piace fare?




Tuesday, September 20, 2016 8:24 PM, ROBERTA ha scritto a ISABEL:


Hi ISABEL, nice to meet you! My name's Roberta and I'm seventeen years old. I'm from Rome, in Italy but I'm half polish. Unfortunately I can't speak polish! I think that Rome is one of the most beautiful cities of the world and I really love going out with my friends to visit some little places in a big city like this. I used to play piano too, but I stopped when I started studying at high school. I love reading and going to the cinema. I love listening to music too. I'm also a tv series addicted and I really can't stop watching them! Talk to you soon!


Here you go some corrections! :) *SONO DELLA TURCHIA E DEL KAZAKISTAN or HO ORIGINI TURCHE E KAZAKE *NEL TEMPO LIBERO is more common, but NEL MIO TEMPO LIBERO is also correct * Commas are never followed by the conjunction "e". It can happen sometimes, but they're exceptions P.s.: Your Italian is very good!




2016-10-10 ISABEL ha scritto a ROBERTA:


Ciao ROBERTA, Scusami per la risposta tardiva! Finisco la scuola quest'anno e per questo ragione ho tanti compiti da fare. Anch'io penso che Roma è una città bellissima! Sono stata lì la scorsa estate per qualche giorni con una delle mie amiche italiane. Sto imparando l'italiano e il francese a scuola. A casa, i miei genitori ed io parliamo russo, turcho, e kazakho. Quali lingue parli tu? A dopo!


Le correzioni: *UNFORTUNATELY, I CAN'T SPEAK POLISH (in inglese, la punteggiatura dopo le frase introduttive è importante) *MOST BEAUTIFUL CITIES IN THE WORLD *I'M ALSO A TV SERIES ADDICT or I AM ADDICTED TO TV SERIES Your English is great, too




2016-10-10 ROBERTA ha scritto a ISABEL:


Hi ISABEL! Don't worry, it's not a problem. I'm in the same situation! I have a lot to do too. That's really cool. I'm studying French too and two years ago I started to study Spanish. I love studying languages. In fact, I'm going to study Russian, German and maybe something like Danish or Swedish at university. You can speak a lot of languages! Is Russian difficult? Do you think that I could study it? I'm also learning some polish words, but they aren't enough yet! Hahah Are you going to university? If so, what would you like to study? Do you think Italian is a difficult language? And what is life like in your country? Speak soon!


Corrections: *"Tardiva" is correct, but I think it's quite formal… I'd say "scusami per averti risposto tardi" *questa ragione *Penso che Roma sia (subjunctive) una città bellissima *Qualche giorno *turco, kazako



