HOME > Courses > Webinar - 5 secrets to improve your Italian language knowledge - June 6, 2012
Programmi di Coaching Italiano

Vorrei che tutti voi poteste migliorare la vostra conoscenza della lingua e della cultura italiana e

che usciste dal ruolo del turista per entrare nel ruolo del protagonista.


I wish you could all improve your knowledge of Italian language and culture and

switch from the role of tourist to that of main character.


From the Italian Coaching Program "Your Renaissance":

Session 5 - Raffaello. Balance in the work of art. Balance in our life.
Session 6 - Tiziano and Botticelli. Sacred and profane love. Freedom to let emotions 'circulate'. Protection.
Session 7 - Caravaggio. The rage and the ability to choose. Flexibilty.
Session 8 - Meaning and use of self-portraits during the Renaissance. Your true self. Selection of self-portraits and works by different artists. Evaluate your journey through Your Renaissance and create another self-portrait.


