Trucchi per imparare i verbi (Tricks to learn verbs)

di | 30 Aprile 2021
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How desperate are you with Italian verbs?

Molti studenti hanno problemi con i verbi italiani e si disperano.
I verbi italiani hanno diverse coniugazioni e forme irregolari da memorizzare.
Conosci qualche trucco per imparare i verbi italiani più velocemente?

Many students have problems with Italian verbs and get desperate.
Italian verbs have different conjugations and irregular forms to be memorized.
Do you know any tricks to learn Italian verbs faster?

To practice Italian, in this activity we invite you to read and test…
PRACTICE HERE: Italian/English Version

Para practicar el idioma italiano, en esta actividad te invitamos a leer y probar…
PRACTICA AQUÍ: Versión Italiano/Española

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