La segreteria telefonica (The voicemail)

di | 1 Marzo 2024

La tecnologia ci semplifica la vita.
Molte persone la amano, non possono farne a meno e si affrettano a comprare gli ultimi modelli di cellulare, computer e macchina.
Altre persone non la amano e, se non possono farne a meno, continuano ad usare vecchi modelli finché funzionano.
Tu cosa pensi della tecnologia?
Ti affretti a comprare l’ultimo modello di cellulare o continui ad usare il vecchio finché va?
Riesci a staccarti dal cellulare quando sei in vacanza?

Technology makes our lives easier.
Many people love it, cannot do without it and rush to buy the latest models of mobile phones, computers and cars.
Other people don’t like it and, if they cannot do without it, they continue to use old models as long as they work.
How do you feel about technology?
Do you rush to buy the latest mobile phone model or do you keep using the old one as long as it works?
Can you tear yourself away from your mobile phone when you are on vacation?

To practice Italian this week we invite you to read and write…
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Para practicar el idioma italiano esta semana te invitamos a leer y escribir…
PRACTICA AQUÍ: Versión Italiano/Español

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