Picture from the movie “My best enemy” by Carlo Verdone
A volte non è facile guardarsi negli occhi.
A volte non è facile capirsi.
A volte non è facile sorridersi.
A volte non è facile usare i verbi reciproci.
Ma tu conosci la differenza fra verbi riflessivi e verbi reciproci?
Ti guardi negli occhi con i tuoi amici?
O ti specchi solo nelle vetrine?
Sometimes it is not easy to look into each other’s eyes.
Sometimes it is not easy to understand each other.
Sometimes it is not easy to smile at each other.
Sometimes it is not easy to use reciprocal verbs.
Do you know the difference between reflexive verbs and reciprocal verbs?
Do you look your friends in the eyes?
Or do you only look at yourself in the shop windows?
To practice Italian this week we invite you to play…
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Picture from the movie “My best enemy” by Carlo Verdone