A love affair between Professor Emeritus Joseph A. Tursi
and the Italian language teaching in the USA
Il Professore Emerito Joseph A. Tursi ci ha lasciato il 5 gennaio 2024.
Tra i tanti pregi che il Professor Tursi aveva, dobbiamo riconoscergli il merito di aver contribuito fortemente a porre le basi per l’insegnamento della lingua italiana negli Stati Uniti, illuminando così la strada per chi è venuto dopo.
I futuri sviluppi nell’insegnamento dell’italiano portano nell’animo i semi del suo lavoro.
Conoscevi il Professor Tursi?
Cosa ci direbbe ora: in che direzione dovrebbe andare l’insegnamento della lingua italiana?
Professor Emeritus Joseph A. Tursi passed away on January 5, 2024.
Among the many qualities that Professor Tursi had, we must recognize his merit of having greatly contributed to laying the foundations for the teaching of the Italian language in the United States, thus enlightening the path for those who came after.
Future developments in the teaching of Italian, carry in their soul the seeds of his work.
Did you know Professor Tursi?
What would he tell us now: in which direction should the teaching of the Italian language go?
Continue reading: Italian/English Version
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Prof. Joseph Tursi was the epitome of an educator, a true champion for the AATI-LI and SUNY Stony Brook Italian Studies, he passionately served.
Prof. Tursi was a committed servant to the Italian Language and Culture. His work, his passion, his beliefs inspire those around him, young and old, leaving an indelible mark in our Associations, Schools and Communities.
His teaching served as a guiding light to all.
He was loved by all who knew him. He was a great family man, a loving husband, a devoted father, a caring nonno, uncle and a loyal educator and friend, dedicated to the values he learned from his parents and family.
On behalf of the entire Board AIAE, Association of Italian American Educators, and Membership I represent, we wish to extend our condolences to the whole family and the education community at large.
Cav. Josephine A. Maietta and Executive Board
President AIAE
Past President AATI-LI for 4 years