Activity: Sing

Noi di CyberItalian diciamo sempre che le canzoni aiutano a memorizzare le strutture linguistiche e la pronuncia italiana, e incoraggiamo tutti gli studenti ad ascoltare più canzoni italiane possibile e a cantarle.


Ti piace ascoltare e cantare le canzoni italiane?


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At CyberItalian we always say that songs help to memorize Italian linguistic structures and pronunciation, and we encourage all students to listen to as many Italian songs as possible and sing them.


Do you like listening and singing Italian songs?


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Laura Pausini courtesy of Wikipedia photographer unknown

Laura Pausini (fonte Wikipedia)


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Italian song awards

In questo periodo ci sono stati due importanti avvenimenti per la canzone italiana:


1. Laura Pausini ha vinto il premio Best Original Song al Golden Globes 2021.


2. Il Festival musicale di San Remo, una ricorrenza annuale ormai storica per la canzone italiana, si è tenuto anche in questo terribile anno 2021 con il Covid, fra le solite polemiche e critiche (il Festival è bello, il Festival è brutto, bisogna smettere di farlo, bisogna continuare...)

I vincitori sono stati i Maneskin (primo posto) e Francesca Michielin e Fedez (secondo posto).


Ti piacciono queste canzoni?

Quale preferisci?

In this period there have been two important events for Italian music:


1. Laura Pausini won the Best Original Song award at the 2021 Golden Globes.


2. The San Remo Music Festival, a now historic annual anniversary for Italian music, was held also in this terrible year 2021 with Covid - among the usual controversies and criticisms (the Festival is great, the Festival is bad, we must stop doing it, we must continue...)

The winners were the Maneskin (first place) and Francesca Michielin e Fedez (second place).


Do you like these songs?

Which do you prefer?


Laura Pausini canta 'Io sì'(Seen) dal film La vita davanti a sé (The Life Ahead)


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I Maneskin cantano 'Zitti e buoni'


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Francesca Michielin e Fedez cantano 'Chiamami per nome'


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e-Learning with a Heart: Take Italian lessons online!


Tutored CoursesSelf-Study Courses for independent students: available online 24 hours a day so you can log in and study anytime from anywhere. More...


Tutored CoursesTutored Courses if you need a structured and guided study: learn with the guidance of a tutor, get written correction and personalized feedback. More...


Private Lessons1to1 Private Lessons for a custom developed course conducted by a dedicated teacher via an interactive audio/video chat service. More...



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