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Glossary - C

Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.


C, come "casa" C, as in 'casa' - home (Alfabeto)
c'è (ci sono) there is (there are) (Lez.b_2)
caffè coffee (Lez.b_5)
caffettiera coffee-pot (Lez.i_5)
calamari squids (Lez.b_6)
calciatore soccer player (Lez.b_3)
calcio soccer (Lez.b_2)
calciobalilla (biliardino) table football (Lez.a_3)
caldo/a hot (Lez.b_6)
calendario calendar (Lez.b_7)
calle narrow street in Venice (Lez.i_3)
calmo, calma (calma!) calm (calm down!) (Lez.b_2;i_11)
calzatura (pl. calzature) footwear (Lez.b_10)
calza (pl. calze) sock, stocking (Lez.b_10)
calzoni (o pantaloni) di pelle trousers, pants (leather pants) (Lez.b_10)
cambiare to change (Lez.a_2)
cambio change, exchange (Lez.b_10)
camera, camera da letto room (bedroom) (Lez.b_2)
cameriere, cameriera waiter, waitress (Lez.b_6)
camerino dressing room (Lez.i_2)
camicia shirt (Lez.b_10)
camminare to walk (Lez.b_4)
camomilla camomile (Lez.b_11)
campagna countryside (Lez.b_8)
campanello bell (Lez.i_7)
campionato championship (Lez.a_3)
campione, campionessa champion (Lez.a_3)
campo (campo da golf) field (golf course) (Lez.a_3)
canale canal, waterway (Lez.i_3)
candito, candita candied (Lez.b_6)
cane dog (Lez.i_2)
canottaggio rowing (Lez.a_3)
cantante singer (Lez.b_3)
cantare to sing (Lez.b_4)
canto singing, chant, canto (Lez.i_2)
canzone song (Lez.b_9)
capace able (Lez.i_9)
capacità ability (Lez.i_9)
capelli hair (Lez.b_4)
capire to understand (Lez.b_4)
capitale capital (Lez.i_2)
capitare to arrive, to happen (Lez.b_11)
capitolo chapter (Lez.i_5)
capo head, boss, chief, leader (Lez.i_2)
capodanno New Year (Lez.b_7)
capolavoro masterpiece (Lez.i_6)
capoufficio boss, head clerk (Lez.i_9)
cappella chapel (Lez.i_6)
cappello hat (Lez.b_10)
cappotto, cappotto impermeabile coat (rain coat) (Lez.b_10)
Cappuccetto Rosso Little Red Riding Hood (Lez.i_7)
cappuccino hot milk and coffe (Lez.b_6)
Caraibi Caribbean (Lez.i_8)
caramella candy (Lez.b_10)
carattere character, nature, personality (Lez.a_3)
caratteristica characteristic, feature (Lez.i_9)
caricare to load (Lez.i_9)
carino, carina nice, lovely (Lez.b_11)
carlinga fuselage (Lez.a_4)
carne meat (Lez.b_6)
carta (carta di credito, carta da gioco) paper (credit card, card) (Lez.b_10)
cartella (cartella esattoriale) file, dossier (tax files) (Lez.a_4)
cartolina postcard (Lez.b_10)
casa, la casa house, home (the house) (Lez.b_2)
caso (a caso; per caso) chance, case (at random; by chance) (Lez.12;i_10)
casco helmet (Lez.a_2)
caspita! good gracious! (Lez.i_4)
cassa cash register, case, box (Lez.b_10)
cassaforte safe (Lez.a_5)
cassetta postale letterbox (Lez.b_10)
catalogo catalogue (Lez.i_10)
cattolico, cattolica (pl. cattolici, cattoliche) (Roman) Catholic (Lez.i_7)
cavaliere rider, horseman (Lez.a_5)
cavallino little horse (Lez.a_4)
caviale caviar (Lez.i_8)
celebre famous (Lez.a_5)
celere (posta celere) fast (priority mail) (Lez.a_4)
celibe bachelor (Lez.a_2)
cellulare cell phone, mobile (Lez.b_9)
cena dinner (Lez.b_6)
cenare to have dinner (Lez.b_6)
centimetro (cm.) centimetre (Lez.b_10)
cento one hundred (Lez.b_5)
centro center; downtown (Lez.i_6)
ceramica ceramics; pottery (Lez.a_4)
cercare to look for, search for, to try to do something (Lez.b_10;i_2)
certezza certainty (Lez.a_3)
certo certainly, certain, some (Lez.i_6;i_9)
che whom, which, that (Lez.b_9)
che? what, which? (Lez.b_5)
che cos'è? what is it? (Lez.b_5)
che dici? what do you say? (Lez.b_5)
Chi, come "gnocchi" CHI, as in "gnocchi"
chi who (Lez.b_1)
chiacchierare to chat (Lez.b_4)
chiamare (chiamarsi) to call (to be called) (Lez.b_4)
chiamato, chiamata called (Lez.i_10)
chiave key (Lez.b_3)
chiedere to ask (Lez.b_4)
chiedersi to wonder (Lez.i_4)
chiesa church (Lez.i_6)
chilo, chilogrammo (Kg.) kilo, kilogram (1000 grams; 2.2 lbs) (Lez.b_10)
chirurgo surgeon (Lez.i_8)
chitarra guitar (Lez.b_4)
chiudere to close (Lez.i_7)
chiuso/a closed (Lez.i_7)
Ci, come "ciao" "ci" as in "ciao" (Alphabet)
ci ourselves, one another;there, it (Lez.i_3;i_6)
ci sono there are (Lez.b_11)
ci vediamo we see each other (Lez.b_7)
ciao hi, hello, so long (Lez.b_1)
ciascuno each, each (one) (Lez.i_9)
cibo food (Lez.i_7)
ciclismo cycling (Lez.a_3)
ciclista cyclist (Lez.a_3)
cielo heaven, sky (Lez.i_3)
cinema movie theatre, cinema (Lez.b_9)
cinese Chinese (Lez.a_5)
cinque five (Lez.b_5)
cintura (cintura di sicurezza) belt (safety belt) (Lez.b_10;a_2)
cioccolato (o cioccolata) chocolate (Lez.b_6)
cioé that is, I mean (Lez.b_8)
circo circus (Lez.i_4)
circolo circle, club (introduction)
circuito track, circuit (Lez.a_4)
città (città-stato) city (self governed, medieval city) (Lez.b_11;a_5)
cittadina small town (Lez.i_4)
cittadino/a del mondo citizen of the World (Lez.b_2)
civile (guerra civile) civil (civil war) (Lez.a_2;a_3)
civiltà civilization (Lez.a_5)
classe class, classroom (Lez.b_11)
classico, classica (pl. classici, classiche) classic (Lez.b_5)
classifica placings (Lez.a_3)
cliente client (Lez.b_10)
clima climate (Lez.b_7)
codice code (Lez.i_10)
cognome surname (Lez.b_1)
coinvolgere to involve, implicate (Lez.a_3)
colazione breakfast (Lez.b_6)
collana necklace (Lez.a_5)
collaudatore test driver (Lez.a_4)
collega (pl. colleghi, colleghe) colleague (Lez.i_7)
collezione collection (Lez.i_5)
collo neck (Lez.a_5)
colloquialmente colloquially (Lez.i_9)
colloquio di lavoro interview (Lez.a_2)
colonia colony (Lez.i_10)
colonizzatore, colonizzatrice colonizer (Lez.i_10)
colonizzazione colonization (Lez.i_11)
colonna column (Lez.b_11)
colore color (Lez.b_3)
coltello knife (Lez.b_6)
combattere (combatterono) to fight (they fought) (Lez.a_5)
combinare to combine, to match (Lez.i_5)
come as, how (Lez.b_1)
come mai? why? (Lez.b_11)
come si dice ...? how do you say...? (Lez.b_9)
come stai? how are you? (Lez.b_9)
comico comic actor, comedy actor (Lez.b_3)
cominciare to start, begin (Lez.i_10)
commedia comedy, play (Lez.i_2)
commediografo comedy writer (Lez.i_8)
commento comment, remark (Lez.b_1)
commerciale commercial (Lez.i_4)
commercio trade, commerce (Lez.a_2)
commesso, commessa sales clerk (Lez.b_10)
commettere (commesso) to make, commit (made) (Lez.a_4)
comminare to make provisions for (Lez.a_4)
comodo, comoda comfortable, convenient (Lez.i_11)
compagnia company (Lez.i_9)
comparare compare (Lez.b_8)
competente competent, qualified (Lez.i_10)
competitivo, competitiva competitive (Lez.a_3)
competizione competition (Lez.a_3)
compito homework, duty, task (Lez.b_9;i_11)
compleanno birthday (Lez.b_7)
complesso, complessa complex (Lez.i_10)
completare to complete (Lez.b_11)
complimento (complimenti!) compliment (congratulations!) (Lez.i_7)
complotto conspiracy (Lez.a_5)
comportarsi to behave (Lez.i_11)
compositore composer (Lez.i_2)
composto composed (Lez.i_2)
comprare to buy (Lez.b_4)
comprendere to understand, comprise (Lez.a_5)
computer, il computer computer (the computer) (Lez.b_2)
comune common (Lez.i_10)
comunicare to communicate (Lez.i_10)
comunista comunist (Lez.a_5)
comunque anyhow, however (Lez.i_2)
con with (Lez.b_5)
concentrarsi to concentrate on (Lez.a_2)
concerto concert (Lez.i_2)
concettualmente conceptually (Lez.i_10)
conciso, concisa concise, succint (Lez.a_3)
concludere to conclude (Lez.i_10)
concordanza agreement (Lez.b_2)
concorrenza competition (Lez.i_3)
concreto, concreta concrete, real (Lez.i_4)
condannato, condannata sentenced (Lez.a_2)
condividere to share (Lez.a_3)
conduzione management, conduction (Lez.a_4)
conferenza conference (Lez.i_5)
confermare to confirm (Lez.i_10)
confidare to confide, to tell something in confidence (Lez.a_2)
confusione confusion (Lez.i_6)
confuso, confusa confused (Lez.a_5)
congiura conspiracy (Lez.a_5)
congratularsi to congratulate somebody on something (Lez.i_7)
congratulazioni! congratulations! (Lez.i_7)
conosce (v. conoscere, verbo irregolare) (he, she, it) knows (to know) (Lez.b_3)
conoscere (conoscersi) to know (to know one self; to know each other) (Lez.b_9;i_11)
conquistare (conquistò) to conquer (conquered) (Lez.a_5)
conseguente consequent (Lez.a_2)
consentire to permit, allow (Lez.a_2)
conservare to preserve, keep (Lez.i_7)
considerare to consider (Lez.i_3)
considerarsi to consider oneself (Lez.i_5)
consigliare to recommend, to advise (Lez.i_2)
consiglio advice (Lez.b_11)
Consolato Consulate (Lez.i_10)
consulente consultant (Lez.b_11)
consulenza consultancy (Lez.a_2)
contadino, contadina farmer (Lez.i_6)
contare to count (Lez.b_5)
contattare to contact (Lez.i_10)
contemporaneamente at the same time (Lez.b_6)
contendere to quarrel over, to compete (Lez.a_5)
contenere (verbo irregolare) to contain (Lez.b_11)
contento, contenta happy, glad (Lez.b_10)
contenuto content (Lez.i_3)
contessa countess (Lez.a_4)
contestare to question, protest against (Lez.a_4)
continuare to continue (Lez.i_4)
continuo, continua continuous (Lez.i_10)
conto (per conto proprio) bill, calculation (on one's own) (Lez.b_6;i_9)
contorno side dish (Lez.b_6)
contrario contrary (Lez.i_9)
contrattare to negotiate (Lez.i_9)
contratto contract (Lez.a_2)
contribuente taxpayer (Lez.a_4)
contribuire to contribute (Lez.i_8)
contro against (Lez.i_10)
controllare to check (Lez.i_9)
controllo control (Lez.i_9)
convalidare to validate, to stamp (Lez.i_10)
cooperativa cooperative (Lez.a_4)
copia copy (Lez.a_5)
copiare to copy (Lez.i_8)
coraggio courage, bravery (Lez.a_5)
coraggioso, coraggiosa brave, courageous (Lez.i_11)
cordiale warm, cordial (Lez.i_10)
cornuto horned, cheeted on, bastard (Lez.a_4)
coro chorus, choir (Lez.i_2)
corpo body (Lez.b_8)
corporatura body size, body build (Lez.b_11)
correggere to correct (Lez.i_10)
correre to run (Lez.i_3)
correttezza correctness, fair play (Lez.a_3)
corretto/a correct (Lez.b_10)
corrispondente corresponding (Lez.i_9)
corso (in corso) course (in progress) (Lez.b_11;a_2)
corte court (Lez.i_11)
cortigiano, cortigiana courtier, courtesan (Lez.a_5)
corto short (Lez.b_2)
cosa? what? (Lez.b_4)
cosa (pl. cose) thing (stuff) (Lez.b_4)
coscienza conscience, awareness (Lez.b_4;a_3)
così so, like this (Lez.b_6)
cosiddetto, cosiddetta so-called (Lez.i_2)
costa coast, shore (Lez.i_10)
costare to cost (Lez.b_10)
costo cost (Lez.b_9)
costituzionale constitutional (Lez.a_5)
costoso, costosa expensive (Lez.b_6)
costruire to build (Lez.i_3)
costume custom, habit, costume (Lez.i_2;a_5)
cotoletta cutlet (Lez.b_6)
cotto, cotta cooked, done (Lez.i_4)
cottura (punto di cottura) cooking (stove) (Lez.b_2)
cravatta tie (Lez.b_10)
creare to create (Lez.i_5)
creazione creation, establishment, foundation (Lez.a_4)
credere to believe (Lez.i_9)
crescere to grow up (Lez.i_10)
cretino/a moron (Lez.a_5)
crimine (crimine organizzato) crime (organized crime) (Lez.i_8)
crisi (essere in crisi) crisis (to go through a crisis) (Lez.i_4)
cristiano, cristiana Christian (Lez.i_7)
criticare to criticize (Lez.i_4)
critico, critica (pl. critici, critiche - critico d'arte) critic, reviwer (art critic) (Lez.a_5)
crociata crusade (Lez.a_5)
crollare (crollò) to collapse (collapsed) (Lez.a_5)
cucchiaio spoon (Lez.i_6)
cucina kitchen, stove (Lez.b_2)
cucinare to cook (Lez.b_5)
cugino, cugina cousin (Lez.b_5)
cui whom, which; of which, whose (Lez.i_7;a_3)
culinario, culinaria culinary (Lez.i_4)
culla cradle, birthplace (Lez.i_5)
culto cult, worship, religion (Lez.a_5)
culturale cultural (Lez.b_1)
culturalmente culturally (Lez.a_3)
cuoco cook (Lez.b_3)
cuore (cuor; squadra del cuore) heart (poetic for "heart"; favourite team) (Lez.i_3;a_3)
cura care (Lez.a_3)
curare to look after, heal, tend to (Lez.b_5)
curioso, curiosa curious (Lez.b_3)
curriculum vitae resume (Lez.a_2)