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Glossary - G..H

Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.


G, come "gatto" G, as in "gatto" - cat (Alphabet)
gabinetto lavatory, toilet (Lez.b_2)
Galli Gauls (Lez.a_5)
gamba (una persona in gamba) leg (a smart, efficient person) (Lez.b_8;i_9)
gara competition, race, match (Lez.i_9)
garantire to guarantee (Lez.a_2)
gastronomico, gastronomica (pl. gastronomici, gastronomiche) gastronomic (Lez.a_4)
gatto cat (Lez.b_3)
gazzetta gazette, publication (Lez.a_3)
gelato ice-cream (Lez.b_2)
generalmente in general (Lez.b_4)
genere (in genere) gender (in general) (Lez.i_5)
genitore parent (Lez.b_5)
gennaio January (Lez.b_7)
gente people (Lez.b_4)
gentile gentle (Lez.b_8)
gentilmente gently (Lez.a_2)
geografia geography (Lez.i_2)
gesticolare to gesticulate (Lez.b_4)
gestire to manage (Lez.a_4)
Ghi, come "ghianda" GHI, as in "ghianda" - acorn (Alphabet)
Gi, come "giostra" GI, as in "giostra" - merry-go-round (Alphabet)
già already (Lez.i_11)
giacca (o giubbotto) di pelle coat, jacket (leather jacket) (Lez.b_10)
giallo, gialla yellow (Lez.b_2)
giardino garden (Lez.i_8)
ginnastica physical exercise, gymastics (Lez.b_8;a_3)
ginocchio knee (Lez.b_8)
giocare, giocare a calcio, giocare a tennis to play (to play football, to play tennis) (Lez.b_4)
giocatore player (Lez.a_3)
giocattolo toy (Lez.i_2)
gioco (pl. giochi) game, toy (Lez.i_2)
giocoliere juggler (Lez.b_3)
giocondo, gioconda (La Gioconda) gay, joyous (Monna Lisa) (Lez.i_5)
gioiello jewel (Lez.i_3)
giornale (news)paper, magazine (Lez.b_8)
giornalista journalist (Lez.i_3)
giornata day (Lez.b_7)
giorno day(light), day(time) (Lez.b_7)
giostra amusement park (Lez.b_8)
giovane young, youth (Lez.b_6)
giovedì Thursday (Lez.b_7)
girare to turn (Lez.b_6)
giro (prendere in giro qualcuno) tour, trip, walk, ride (to pull somebody's leg) (Lez.b_11;i_9)
gita trip (Lez.b_7)
già down (Lez.b_5)
giubbotto jacket, jerkin, vest (Lez.b_10)
giudicare to judge (Lez.i_7)
giudichessa governor (term used only in reference to medieval Sardinian history) (Lez.i_10)
giudicato fief (term used only in reference to medieval Sardinian history) (Lez.i_10)
giugno June (Lez.b_7)
giuridico, giuridica legal (Lez.i_10)
giusto, giusta correct, right, fair (Lez.b_10)
Gli, come "aglio" GLI, as in "aglio" - garlic (Alphabet)
gli the (Lez.b_3)
gli, le, gli to him/it, to her/it, to them (Lez.i_5)
gloria glory (Lez.i_7)
Gn, come "gnocchi" GN, as in "gnocchi" (Alphabet)
godere to enjoy (Lez.a_2)
gola throat (Lez.i_3)
gondola a typical boat from Venice (Lez.i_3)
gonna skirt (Lez.i_5)
governare to govern, rule (Lez.i_3)
governo government (Lez.i_11)
grammo gram (Lez.b_10)
grande big, large, grown-up (Lez.b_3;i_4)
grasso, grassa fat (Lez.b_2)
gratificare (gratificante) to gratify (gratifying) (Lez.a_2)
grato, grata grateful (Lez.i_10)
grattugiato grated (Lez.b_6)
grazie thank you, thanks (Lez.b_6)
greco, greca (pl. greci, greche) greek (Lez.i_9)
grigio grey (Lez.b_5)
griglia grill (Lez.b_6)
grillo grasshopper (Lez.b_4)
grinta determination, pluck (Lez.a_3)
grosso big (Lez.b_2)
grottesco, grottesca grotesque (Lez.i_8)
guadagnare to earn (Lez.i_9)
guanto (pl. guanti) glove, mitten (Lez.b_10)
guardare to look at, to watch (Lez.b_4)
guerra war (Lez.i_10)
guerriero, guerriera warrior (Lez.i_10)
guida guide; driving (Lez.i_6;a_2)
guidare to drive (Lez.b_9)
gustare to enjoy, appreciate, taste (Lez.i_9)
gusto taste (Lez.i_5)


H, come "hotel" H, as in "hotel" (Alphabet)
ha (v. avere) (he, she, it) has (to have) (Lez.b_3)
ho (v. avere) I have (to have) (Lez.b_3)
ho fame, ho sete, ho freddo, ho caldo I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm cold, I'm hot (Lez.b_6)
homo (homo homini lupus) man (latin: a man, among other men, becomes a wolf ) (Lez.i_9)