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Glossary - U..V..Z

Click on each Italian word to listen to the pronunciation.


U, come "uva" U, as in "uva" - grapes (Alphabet)
uccidere to kill (Lez.a_5)
uff, uffa phew (tiredness), uh! (relief) (Lez.b_6)
ufficiale official (Lez.i_6)
ufficialmente officially (Lez.i_6)
ufficio office (Lez.b_8)
ulteriore ulterior, further (Lez.i_10)
ultimo, ultima last (Lez.i_5)
umanità humanity (Lez.i_6)
un, uno, una a, an (Lez.b_2)
undici eleven (Lez.b_5)
unificazione unification (Lez.a_4)
unione union, unity, harmony (Lez.a_3)
unire to combine, join, unite (Lez.b_6)
unità unity (Lez.i_10)
università (città universitaria) university town (Lez.b_9;i_4)
uno one (Lez.b_5)
uomo (pl. uomini) man/men (Lez.b_2)
uomo d'affari businessman (Lez.b_3)
uovo (pl. uova) egg (Lez.i_3)
urgente urgent (Lez.i_7)
urlare to yell (Lez.i_6)
usare to use (Lez.i_4)
uscire to go out (irregular) (Lez.b_7)
uso custom, usage (Lez.i_3)
utilità usefulness (Lez.i_5)
utilizzare to use, make use of, utilize (Lez.a_2)


V, come "violino" V, as in "violino" - violin (Alphabet)
va; va bene (he, she) goes, (from: "andare", irregular); all right (Lez.i_2)
vacanza vacation, holiday (Lez.b_7)
valere to be worth (Lez.i_6)
valigia suitcase (Lez.i_7)
vanitoso, vanitosa vain (Lez.i_3)
vario, varia (pl. vari, varie) several, various (Lez.a_5)
vasto, vasta vast, huge (Lez.i_10)
Vaticano Vatican (Lez.i_10)
vecchio, vecchia old (Lez.b_6;i_11)
vedere (vedere un film, non vedere l'ora di ...) to watch (to watch a movie, to look forward to...) (Lez.b_4;i_11)
vedovo, vedova widower/widow (Le.a_2)
vegetale vegetable (Lez.i_6)
vegetariano, vegetariana vegetarian (Lez.i_4)
vela (fare vela) sail (sailing) (Lez.b_8)
veleno poison (Lez.a_5)
velo veil, voile (Lez.a_5)
veloce quick, rapid, fast (Lez.i_2)
velocemente quickly (Lez.b_4)
vendere to sell (Lez.i_10)
vendita (ufficio vendite) sale (sales office) (Lez.i_10)
venerdì Friday (Lez.b_7)
veneziano, veneziana from/of Venice (Lez.i_8)
venire to come (irregular) (Lez.b_7)
venne he/she/it came (from "venire") (Lez.a_5)
vento wind (Lez.i_9)
ventoso, ventosa (oggi è ventoso) windy (today it is windy) (Lez.b_7)
veramente truly, really (Lez.b_1)
verdura (verdura fresca, cruda; verdura cotta) vegetables (raw vegetables; cooked vegetables) (Lez.i_2)
vergogna (che vergogna!) shame, embarassment (how shameful) (Lez.i_6)
verificarsi to happen, occur (Lez.i_10)
verità truth (Lez.b_9)
vero (è vero) true (it's true) (Lez.i_4)
versione version (Lez.i_2)
verso about, around (Lez.b_7)
vestire (vestirsi) to dress (to get dressed, dress oneself) (Lez.i_3)
vestito dress, suit (Lez.b_9)
vettura car (lez.a_4)
vi you (pl.), yourselves, to you (Lez.i_3;i_4)
via (per via di; via mare) street (owing to; by boat) (Lez.b_8;i_11)
viaggiare to travel (Lez.b_4)
viaggio travel, journey, trip, voyage (Lez.b_11)
viale avenue (Lez.b_8)
vicino, vicina (vicino a) near (near by) (Lez.b_8)
videocamera video recorder (Lez.i_4)
videocassetta video tape (Lez.i_4)
videoregistratore video player (vhs) (Lez.i_4)
vidimare to stamp, check in (Lez.i_10)
villaggio village (Lez.i_8)
vincere to win (Lez.i_2)
vino wine (Lez.b_6)
violenza violence (Lez.i_10)
violino violin (Lez.i_2)
visionario, visionaria visionary (Lez.i_4)
visione (visione di un film) view (showing, screening) (Lez.a_2)
visitare to visit (Lez.i_6)
viso face (Lez.b_8)
vita life (Lez.b_3)
vitamine vitamins (Lez.i_10)
vittoria victory (Lez.a_3)
vittorioso, vittoriosa victorious (Lez.a_5)
viva (W) long live! three cheers! (Lez.b_7)
vivere to live (Lez.i_3)
vivo, viva alive (Lez.i_9)
voce (a voce alta) voice (loud voice) (Lez.i_2)
voglia wish, desire (Lez.b_9)
volante (steering) wheel (Lez.i_4)
volare to fly (Lez.b_9)
volere (volere bene) to want (irregular) (to be fond of) (Lez.b_7;i_7)
volontà will (Lez.a_3)
volpe fox, (sly fox, crafty, clever person) (Lez.b_3)
volta (una volta; questa volta; qualche volta; a volte) time (once; this time; sometimes; at times) (Lez.b_5)
vorrei I would like (Lez.b_6)
votato, votata voted, elected (Lez.i_11)
voto grade, mark, vote (Lez.16;i_11)


Z, come "záino" Z, as in "zaino" - backpack (Alphabet)
zio, zia (pl. zii) uncle, aunt (Lez.b_5)
zitto, zitta quit, silent (Lez.i_9)
zona area, zone (Lez.a_2)
zucchero sugar (Lez.b_6)