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Activity: Read and Test

"Chi ben comincia è a ................. dell'opera."
Puoi completare questo proverbio?


Inizia bene il Nuovo Anno tuffandoti nell'italiano e completando i seguenti proverbi.


Divertiti e Buon Anno Nuovo!


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He who starts well is ................. there.
Can you complete this proverb?


Start the New Year off on the right foot by diving into Italian and completing the following proverbs.


Have fun and Happy New Year!


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Jump into the New Year

Let's dive into the New Year and into the Italian language!

(image courtesy of Allison Felix on pexels)


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Jump into the New Year and the Italian language! (Proverbs)

L'esercizio seguente presenta una lista di proverbi italiani inclusi nelle nostre lezioni principianti:

  1. Clicca sui proverbi per ascoltare l'audio. Attenzione: in ogni proverbio manca una parola. Conosci il proverbio? Ricordi la parola? Puoi indovinarla? Su un foglio di carta, scrivi la parola mancante.
  2. Controlla la soluzione con il "Pinocchio-risposte".

The following exercise presents a list of Italian proverbs included in our Beginner lessons:

  1. Click on the proverbs to listen to the audio. Please note: each proverb is missing a word. Do you know the proverb? Do you remember the word? Can you guess it? On a sheet of paper, write the missing word.
  2. Check the solution with "Pinocchio-risposte".


Every time you listen to an audio file, listen to it as many times as possible. While listening to the audio, read and repeat the text in Italian as a listening and pronunciation exercise. Repeat the exercise MANY times!


Chi va ................., va sano e va lontano. He who goes slowly, goes healthy and far away - Slow and steady wins the race.
Tradurre è ................. To translate is to betray.
Tutti i gusti ................. gusti. All tastes are tastes - There is no accounting for taste.
Canta che ti .................. Sing and it will go away - Sing, and things will be better.
L'appetito ................. mangiando. The appetite arrives while you eat - The more you eat, the more you want to eat.
Volere è .................. To want is to can - Where there's a will, there's a way.
L'abito non ................. il monaco. The dress does not make the monk - You can't judge a book by the cover.
Una ................. tira l'altra. One cherry carries the other - One thing leads to another.
Uomo avvisato, mezzo .................. Forewarned is forearmed.
Chi ben comincia è a ................. dell'opera. Anyone who starts well is halfway there.
Well begun is half done
Chi dorme non ................. pesci. He who sleeps does not catches fish - The early bird catches the worm.
A buon ................. non si trova prezzo. For a good advice there is not price.
Chi disprezza .................. He who blames would buy.
Chi la ................., la vince. He who perseveres wins at last.
Chi ha tempo non ................. tempo. If you have time, do not wait for time - No time like the present.


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